
Methods of cleansing the body by yoga


Our body, muscle blocks, injuries, and clamps in vital activity. After the body reaches maturity, digestive functions, but a person very often continues to eat and live as before. Specific procedures, such as Shatkarma, assist the body in getting rid of anything extra.

Shat + karma translates as six actions and into six main types of cleansing practices, each with its contraindications, which is vital to consider when recommending procedures. Plus, there are a few more extras. It is also essential to consider the days of menstruation and use them carefully during pregnancy if needed. Water, fire, and air cleaning are the three primary categories.

Six practices:

DHAUTI (gastric cleansing) can be performed by cleansing the stomach with salt water or swallowing a bandage. The last meal should be at least four hours before the start of practice. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water, as it cause vomiting. Training should only be done sometimes if there are no indications.

BASTI (intestinal cleansing – enema) with a solution of water. First, you need to lie on your back, then turn to the right side, then to the left, and then chat with your stomach from right to left. After that, you need to allow the water to leave the intestines.

NETI (nose cleansing) with a saline solution or a tourniquet. The liquid does not need to. The water itself must pass through the nasal passages. It is worth buying a unique teapot – neti-pot.

NAULI (cleansing of the abdominal organs) The step–by–step technique of performing the practice is as follows: Mastering Udiyana–Bandha (abdominal lock) – Angisara Dhauti Kriya is practiced (belly swinging, can be smooth or complex) – Madhiama Nauli – isolation of the median tourniquet of the muscles of the press. – Vana Nauli – rotation of the abdominal muscles from left to right. -Dakshina Nauli – rotation of the abdominal muscles from right to left. The most suitable time for practice is in the morning when the stomach is still empty.

KAPALABHATTI (cleansing of the respiratory system and blood vessels of the brain) is a cleansing technique of the respiratory tract and blood vessels of the brain, performed by sharp contractions of the abdominal muscles on exhalation. After each exhalation, the diaphragm descends from relaxation and inhales itself.

TRATAKA (cleansing of the eyes) cleansing of the eyes (translated from Sanskrit – steady, gaze). It is on the flame of a candle or a green dot. The object is at eye level at arm’s length. The practitioner looks at it without blinking to the point of tears. At this point, you should close your eyes with the middle of your palm and try to keep the image in the area between the eyebrows.

Techniques can not only if there are any violations but also for preventive cleansing. Before performing each method, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications and perform all techniques consciously, without resorting to violence against your body.