
The Ashtanga Yoga Diet: How to Eat to Reach Your Goals


The ashtanga yoga diet is a simple way to eat to help you reach your goals. It’s based on the principles of Ayurveda and includes eight to 10 daily vegetables, eight to 10 daily fruits, one to four servings of whole grains, three to five servings of lean protein, and three servings of low-fat dairy.

Follow an essential ashtanga yoga diet of eight to 10 daily vegetables, eight to 10 daily fruits, one to four servings of whole grains, three to five servings of lean protein, and three servings of low-fat dairy.

Follow an essential ashtanga yoga diet of eight to 10 daily vegetables, eight to 10 daily fruits, one to four servings of whole grains, and three servings of low-fat dairy.

  • Vegetables: Eat at least six servings per day. They include dark leafy greens (such as kale or Swiss chard), carrots, beets, and onions. Butternut squash is also a great choice because it’s high in vitamins A and C, which help with weight loss!
  • Fruits: Choose one or two types each week based on your preferences—for example, blueberries versus strawberries would be more beneficial than cherries versus raspberries (or vice versa). But to get the most out of eating fruit, aim for at least five servings daily!
Whole Grains: At least half your plate should contain whole grains; this includes oatmeal or brown rice instead of white pasta/bread products like pizza crusts, etcetera.


    Eat breakfast every day and include protein in your morning meal.

    • Eat breakfast every day and include protein in your morning meal.
    Breakfast is the most critical food of the day since it gives you the vigor and optimism you need to face the day. It would help to eat breakfast at least two hours before bed to have enough time for digestion. Then you can continue your day without feeling tired or hungry again.

    • Include as much fruit in your diet plan as possible – it’s essential!

    Focus on getting all the nutrients you need without overdoing calories. Aim for 30 percent of your diet from fat and avoid saturated fats.

    • Avoid saturated fats, which are in animal products.
    • Avoid trans fats, also known as trans fatty acids. They can be in meat and dairy products partially hydrogenated or contain other substances that make them more stable at room temperature (for example, some kinds of margarine).
    • Avoid partially hydrogenated oils like corn, soybean, and cottonseed because they have high trans fats.

    Limit caffeine intake.

    Caffeine is a stimulant, and it’s to anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and more. It can also be addictive—so much so that you may notice cravings after a particular time.

    The best way to avoid consuming too much caffeine is simply by cutting out your morning cup of coffee or soda. If you’re still feeling jittery at night when you’ve consumed too much caffeine during the day (and this happens often), try drinking plenty of water or green tea instead of another beverage containing caffeine like soda pop or energy drinks!

    Drink water throughout the day by filling your glass halfway with water or herbal tea and then drinking the rest slowly until it’s gone.

    • Drink water throughout the day by filling your glass halfway with water or herbal tea and then drinking the rest slowly until it’s gone.
    • Have a glass of water before each meal and after exercise. Water helps your body digest food more efficiently and can help flush out any toxins that may have been consumed at lunchtime.
    • Drink plenty of H2O when you feel thirsty; thirst is not just an indication that our bodies require hydration but rather a sign that we’ve lost some fluids through sweating or urination (or both). Once again: drink up!

    Following the ashtanga yoga diet is easier than you think.

    The ashtanga yoga diet is more complicated than the vegetarian or vegan diet. But it’s easier to follow than you might think.

    Follow the basic guidelines below, and you’ll be on your way to feeling better and losing weight:

    • Eat eight to 10 daily vegetables (one serving per day), eight to 10 daily fruits (one serving per day), one to four servings of whole grains each day, and three-five servings of lean protein with each meal;
    • Avoid refined carbohydrates like white pieces of bread, crackers, cookies, and portions of pasta;
    • Drink lots of water throughout the day;
    • Keep active with regular exercises, such as walking briskly for 30 minutes daily.

    We wish you luck in your ashtanga yoga practice and hope this article has provided you with some understanding of the Ashtanga yoga diet.